Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Recursively Searching for Classes of Specified Type from an Assembly or Type

Sometimes I find myself implementing a plugin architecture and I need to find a list of classes in an assembly that qualify as plugins for a given project.  I wrote the following class to help me do this:

public static class TypeFinder
    public static List<Type> GetTypesFromAssembly(Assembly assembly, params Type[] assignableTypes)
        List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
        if (assembly != null)
            foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
                foreach (Type baseType in GetBaseTypesFromType(type, assignableTypes))
                    if (!types.Contains(baseType)) types.Add(baseType);
        return types;
    public static List<Type> GetBaseTypesFromType(Type type, params Type[] assignableTypes)
        List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
        foreach (Type assignableType in assignableTypes)
            if (assignableType != type && assignableType.IsAssignableFrom(type))
        if (type.BaseType != null)
           types.AddRange(GetBaseTypesFromType(type.BaseType, assignableTypes));
        return types;

Here's what the call looks like:
List<Type> plugins = TypeFinder.GetTypesFromAssembly(assembly, typeof(IMyPlugin), typeof(MyAbstractClass), typeof(MyBaseClass);

© 2008, D. Patrick Caldwell, Vice President for Research and Development, Emerald Software Group, LLC

Monday, July 28, 2008

Writing Anonymous Methods with Lambda Expressions

I like using Lambda expressions for anonymous methods. I don't really have a good reason for it, but I like it, so here's the difference. Let's say you have a class exposing the following delegate:

public delegate bool CheckExpirationDelegate();
public CheckExpirationDelegate CheckExpiration;

The normal anonymous delegate would look like this:
di.CheckExpiration += delegate() { return true; };

But, you can also do it like this with lambda expressions:
di.CheckExpiration += () => true;

Here's another anonymous method, but you can use this one without a delegate:
Func<string, char, string> GreetTheWorld =
    (greeting, punctuation) =>
        string.Format("{0} World{1}", greeting, punctuation);
    Console.WriteLine(GreetTheWorld("Hello", "!"));

There are many other great uses for lambda expressions . . . fodder for future posts.

© 2008, D. Patrick Caldwell, Vice President for Research and Development, Emerald Software Group, LLC

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Silence of the Lambs

if (!

More computer humor

To be or not to be?

string TheQuestion = "2B || !2B";

More computer humor

All work and no play . . .

if (WorkQuantity == "All" && PlayQuantity == "None")
Jack.BoyType = BoyTypes.Dull;

More computer humor

Bottles of Beer on the Wall

BottlesOfBeerOnTheWall(new Wall(99));

public int BottlesOfBeerOnTheWall(Wall TheWall)

if (TheWall.BottlesOfBeer.Count > 0)
return BottlesOfBeerOnTheWall(TheWall);

return 0;

More computer humor

I only allow authenticated rodents . . . sorry.

2007/09/18: "Unauthenticated user, Please check if virtual directory of <name changed to protect guilty> Server anonymouse access is disabled." 

More computer humor

Well, that pretty much narrows it down.

2007/08/09: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error."

More computer humor

So that pretty much rules out 0 then I guess?

2007/10/17: "One or more component failed validation."

More computer humor

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hello world!

So this was my auto-generated first post.  I decided not to delete the post because it is aptly titled, "Hello world!"  As it turns out, my blog (YATB) is going to be yet another techie blog.

I'm a software engineer and stuff so most of my posts will be about just that . . . software.  I am also on the management team with my company so there will be various observations about business and leadership as well.

With that, here is my contribution to the interwebs . . . Patrick Caldwell's Weblog